Antietam Fly Anglers of Maryland

Antietam Fly Anglers (AFA) was organized in 1975 in Hagerstown, Maryland and is a Charter Club of Fly Fishers International (FFI). You must be a member of FFI to be an active member of Antietam Fly Anglers.

Antietam Fly Anglers promotes and encourages fly fishing and fly tying by adhering to the three pillars of the FFI: Education, Conservation, and Community in the Tri-State area. We welcome all to join our club and attend our functions. We are a 501(c)3 organization.

Introduction to Fly Fishing

When: Saturday, March 22, 29 and April 12
Where: Hagerstown Community College, Main Campus, Career Programs Building 211
When: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Instructor: Bill Ruland
Cost: $97.00
Course Code: DRC-013-M

This course is designed to introduce lifetime fitness and an activity that the participant should be able to enjoy for the rest of their lives. Fishing fundamentals, skills, rules, strategies, safety, sportsmanship, and etiquette will be emphasized. No prior experience or equipment is needed before the first class.

Register here

Kula Cloth

If you have a female in your life who likes the outdoors, do the environment a favor by leaving no trash behind—and get her a Kula Cloth! This Kula cloth was created in collaboration with the Antietam Fly Anglers and a portion of the sales will benefit our club.

Fly Casting

The Bob Abraham Fly Casting Club meets every Saturday morning weather permitting.

You are welcome to join us for breakfast at 7:45 a.m. at the Hub City Diner • 190 Railway Lane • Hagerstown MD 21740

Casting starts at 9:00 a.m. at the Williamsport High School.

Everyone is welcome to attend. If you have never cast a fly rod and want to learn how, this is a great opportunity to work with FFI casting instructors. And if you want to fine-tune your cast, this is also a great opportunity to do so.

Join us at our Meetings!

When: Third Thursday of the month
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Where: Mt. Aetna Retreat Center • 21905 Mt. Aetna Road • Hagerstown MD 21742

Meetings will be in February, March, May and June. Meeting speakers and information is sent via email. If you want on the mailing list, please click the contact us link to be added.


President: Bill Ruland
Vice President: Vacant
Treasurer: Frank Morrisey
Secretary: Mike Saylor
Newsletter Editor: David Hellane

Board of Directors

Rachel Benard
Don Fine
John Hershey
Doug Hutzell
Mike Saylor
Tom Scally
Ned Strange

Committee Chairs

Scott Robinson—By Laws • New Tyer Education • Fly Tyer Roundtable
Bob Davis—Bob Abraham Casting Club
Doug Hutzell—Conservation

Antietam Fly Anglers
10800 Honeyfield Road
Williamsport, MD 21795-4045

© Antietam Fly Anglers